List Items

Vertex Group List Buttons are buttons you can enable and disable in the list.


Default Enabled Buttons

In the image below, the listed items are on by default.


Camera List Button Menu

You can enable or disable each of the button at the side of the list.


Button Items

Select State

Selection state of the vertex group for the other operator to use.

Select Vertex

Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode

Select the vertices in the vertex group.


  • Click: Toggle vertices selection in vertex group.

  • Shift: Keep existing selection.

  • Alt: Deselect all vertices.

  • Alt + Shift: Deselect vertices in vertex group.

  • Ctrl: Set threshold.


Toggle selection works similar to Select All (A) in Blender, where if all vertices in vertex group are selected, it will deselect all vertices.


  • Threshold: Vertices in vertex group weight threshold to be selected.

Hide / Unhide Vertex

Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode

Hide / unhide the vertices in the vertex group.

Shift + Click to solo vertices.


  • Click: Toggle hide / unhide vertices in vertex group.

  • Shift: Solo vertices in other vertex group.

  • Alt: Unhide vertices in vertex group.

  • Alt + Shift: Unhide all vertices.

  • Ctrl: Set threshold.


Hiding vertices with this toggle is the same as pressing H, you can unhide all the vertices manually using Alt + H.



Vertices in vertex group weight threshold to be selected.


Object Mode | Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode

Toggle visibility vertex group using mask modifier.


  • The mask modifier is added / toggle and assign vertex group with invert on.

  • The mask modifier name format is Vertex_Group_Plus_{Vertex Group Name}.

Example: Vertex_Group_Plus_DEF-upper_arm.L

Vertex Color From Vertex Group

Object Mode | Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode | Vertex Paint Mode

Create vertex color from vertex group.



Color of the vertex color to be created.


Assign vertex color to the different element.

  • Vertex: Assign vertex color to vertex.

  • Face: Assign vertex color to face.

Use Weight As

Create vertex color and interpret and use vertex weight to affect the color.

  • None: Use vertex weight does not affect the vertex color.

  • Hue: Use vertex weight value as hue.

  • Saturation: Use vertex weight value as saturation.

  • Value: Use vertex weight value as value / brightness.

  • Red: Use vertex weight value as red.

  • Green: Use vertex weight value as green.

  • Blue: Use Vertex weight value as blue.

Assign material to vertex group.

Object Mode | Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode

Assign material to faces in vertex group.


  • Slot: Assign existing material slot to vertex group.

  • Material: Assign material to vertex group.

  • Threshold of vertices weight to assign material if vertices weight is above threshold.

Set Origin

Object Mode | Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode

Set object origin to the midpoint of the vertices in the vertex group.

Assign Weight

Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode

Assign / unassign weights on selected vertex to the vertex group.


  • Assign: Set the weight of the selected vertices to the vertex group.

  • Unassign: Remove the selected vertices from the vertex group.

  • Assign weight value to the selected vertices.

Clear Existing Weight
  • Unassign all existing vertices from the vertex group before assigning the selected vertices weight.

Separate Vertex Group

Object Mode | Edit Mode | Weight Paint Mode

Separate vertex group to a different object, the separated object will use the vertex group name as it’s own name.


  • Extract: Extract and move the vertices from the object in the vertex group to a separate object.

  • Duplicate: Duplicate the vertices from this object to a separate object.

  • Remove: Remove the vertices from the vertex group.

  • Separate vertices with weight above the threshold.

  • Set value 0 to separate all.

Center Origin
  • Set the object origin to the midpoint of the geometry after separation.

Vertex Count

Shows the vertex count in the vertex group.


This operator loops through all vertices in the object on each draw, therefore, it will be very heavy on dense meshes.


A vertex count threshold can be set in Preferences, and if the vertex count exceeds the threshold, it will be presented as “Calculate Vertices” operator instead to avoid performance hit.

The default threshold is 10000 vertices.


After clicking “Calculate Vertices”, it will remember the last time you calculated the vertices. The count might be inaccurate as you edit the mesh.

You can recalculate the vertices by clicking the operator again.


This item is on the heavier side, so it is not advisable to use this on heavy meshes.


Tag is used for Tag Filter to filter vertex groups.

Tags are not case sensitive and is separated by comma.



Notes does not have unique function, it is just a field for you to input your own reference.


Lock Weight

It is the same as the lock weight in vanila vertex group, just that this operator offers some additional quality of life features.


  • Click: Toggle lock / unlock vertex group.

  • Shift: Unlocks this vertex group and locks other vertex groups.

  • Alt: Unlock all vertex groups.


Removes the vertex group.