Recursive Import And Load FBX Actions¶
This is a wrapper operator similar to Import And Load FBX Actions, but import recursively in a folder.
You have the option to use Better FBX if you have Better FBX installed.

Action Commander¶
Load To Object¶
Load the action to the object.
Purge Orphan Data¶
Purge orphan data after importing.
Action Rename¶
Use File Name As Action Name¶
Imported action will be renamed to it’s file name.
FBX Importer¶
Use and forward the import settings in the default Blender FBX importer.
Better FBX¶
Use and forward the import settings using the Better FBX Addon.
(Only usable if you have Better FBX)
Better FBX is an paid addon made by Mesh Online
If you do not have Better FBX installed and you choosed Better FBX, the below will be displayed.

Import Settings¶
All the settings that is forwarded to the operator.
For more info kindly refer to:
Built-In: Blender Manual
Better FBX: Better FBX