Frame Range Menu

Some utilities to use for managing the Frame Range List.


Batch Rename Frame Range

Loop through and rename the frame ranges in batch.




Prefix - Insert / prepend prefix string to frame range at the start of the item name.

Suffix - Insert / append suffix string to frame range at the end of the item name.

Replace - Find and replace string A with string B.

String A / Prefix / Suffix / Find

String for use as prefix / suffix string, or the string to find for replacement.

String B / Replace

String to replace in Replace mode.

Sort Frame Ranges

Sort the frame range by name or range size.




Name - Sort by name alphabetically.

Range Size - Sort by frame range duration / frame count (end - start).


Reverse the sorting result.

Clear Frame Ranges

Clear and remove all frame ranges from the list.

Import Frame Range

Import a frame range file (.fr) exported by the Chronos Timeline addon.

This file is actually a Json file.

Export Frame Range

Export a frame range file (.fr) to be imported into another blend file.

This file is actually a Json file.

Markers From Frame Range (Multiple)

Create timeline markers from frame range items.




Pair - Created markers will be as it is.

Suffix - Create markers and append suffix string to the end of its name to identify start and end marker.

Prefix - Create markers and prepend prefix string to the start of its name to identify start and end marker.


Prefix / Suffix string to be append / prepend to created markers to for frame start marker.


Prefix / Suffix string to be append / prepend to created markers to for frame end marker.

Frame Ranges From Markers

Create frame range from timeline markers.




Pair - Create frame range by pairing two markers of the same name.

Suffix - Create frame range by checking the suffix of the start and end markers.

Prefix - Create frame range by checking the prefix of the start and end markers.


Prefix / suffix string to check frame start.


Prefix / suffix string to check for frame end.

Remap Framerate

Refer to Frame Rate Remapping.