Camera Preview Preferences

Preferences for Camera Preview Settings


Previewer Target

  • Both - Targets Selected Active Camera for preview, and use Scene Camera as a fallback if none are selected.

  • Active Object - Only Show when there is an Active Camera Selected, and preview the Selected Active Camera.

  • Scene Camera - Show the current scene camera and ignore selected active camera.



  • Set the resolution of the render in the previewer, it will shrink down by percentage. A lower resolution will have a better performance in the previewer.

Hide Previewer in Camera View

  • Hide the previewer when you are currently viewing through a camera.

Obey Hide Overlay

  • Hide Previewer if you turn on hide overlay.

Hide Overlay in Previwer

  • Hide any overlay so that the previwer does not display any overlay.

Display Camera Name

  • Show label to display some information including camera name, and the camera target (scene or active).

Label Font (Color)

  • Color of the label display for the previewer.

Font Offset

  • Offset or distance of the label to the previewer.

Font Size

  • Font size of the label in the previewer.

Width Type

  • Relative - Make the size relative to the window, and will shrink down if the window is shrink.

  • Absolute - Make the size and stay the specified pixel size regardless of the window size.


  • Display (Relative) - Width relative to the window width.

  • Width (Absolute)- Width in pixels for the previewer.

Offset Type

  • Relative - Make the offset relative to the window, offset less if the window is smaller and bigger offset if the window is larger.

  • Absolute - Make the offset and stay the specified pixel size regardless of the window size.


  • X Position (Relative) - Offset width relative to the window width.

  • Y Position (Relative) - Offset height relative to the window height.

  • X Offset (Absolute) - Offset width in pixels.

  • Y Offset (Absolute) - Offset height in pixels.


  • Thickness of the previewer border.

Border Color (Normal)

  • Color of the previwer border.