

Set Driven Key is a Action Constraint Builder that sets up Provide an Easy to Use Interface inspired by Autodesk Maya’s Set Driven Key

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Many Different Applications

This addon is Useful for setting up complex rig that needs predetermined poses or actions and can be use for various different application such as

  • Wing Folding

  • Facial Rigging

  • Mechanical Transformation

  • Hand Gestures

And Many More Possibilities

Addon Overview

Fast, Easy, Intuitive

Have you Ever Setting up Action Constraint and think if there is a More Efficient Way to set this up? Like Maya’s Set Driven Key?

This add-on provides a Intuitive and Easy Interface and Workflow to Set up you Action Constraints


Four Step Action Constraint

While Normally Setting up Action Constraints require many steps, this addon simplifies it into just four steps

  1. Load Controller Driver Object / Bone

  2. Load Driven Target Object / Bone

  3. Pose Your Object / Bone

  4. Set Driven Key

And Done!



By Using Set Driven Key, You can Drastically speed up on building your Action Constraint, saving many clicks and frustrations

With this Addon, I can set up a Wing Folding Mechanism in Just 54 Seconds!

No Vendor Lock

This addon is a Setup / Builder Tool, it only setup the constraints for you, and it does not require the addon to function, the user would not need the addon for the file to function

Once you setup the constraints, you can safely send over the file to someone who does not have this addon and the constraint will work without a problem

Manual Setup vs Set Driven Key Setup Comparison

In the Video Below show a Comparison Between Manual Setup and Using this Addon, you can see that it drastically speed up your ability to set up Action Constraint in Blender

In this Comparison, Setting the Same Action Constraints manually without the addon takes up 4.44 Minutes, while setting up the Action Constraint using the addon is simplified to just merely 59 Seconds