.. _Shadow Rig Support: Shadow Rig Support ========================= .. image:: /images/ShadowRigSupport.webp To Use Shadow Rig Features, you need to turn it on In :ref:`Preferences ` .. image:: /images/ShadowRigEnable.webp After Enable, You can Access to the Shadow Rig Subpanel, this panel will only be available if your object is an Armature Object ----------- Getting Started ---------------- .. image:: /images/ShadowRigBlank.webp When you first open this Panel, you will need to select Your Control Rig or Shadow Shadow Rig If you are on Control Rig, You need to Fill in the Shadow Rig If you are on Shadow Rig, You need to Fill in the Control Rig The Addon will automatically populate the corresponding Armature ----------- Shadow Rig Tab ---------------- .. image:: /images/ShadowRigMode.webp The Tabs here show you which Rig Are you On, The Image Above display how it would look like if you are on Shadow Rig .. image:: /images/ControlRigMode.webp The Tabs here show you which Rig Are you On, The Image Above display how it would look like if you are on Control Rig In here, you have a few option, You can Click Control Rig / Shadow Rig to select the corresponding rig ----------- Constraint Toggle ------------------- .. image:: /images/ConstraintToggle.webp - Connected / Disconnect Button indicates that constraint status on the Shadow Rig - Connected Means All Constraint in the Shadow Rig Are On - Disconnect Means All Constraint in the Shadow Rig Are Off - Clicking it will toggle the Constraint in the Armature - If only Some Constraint in the Shadow Rig Are On, a Partial Connection Message will appear, Clicking the Connect / Disconnect Button will fix this - Next You have a Object and Bone Icon ----------- Bake Shadow Rig (Experimental) --------------------------------- .. image:: /images/BakeToShadowRig.webp Bake the Selected Actions into the Shadow Rig Options ++++++++++ Prefix / Suffix / Replace ______________________________ This is your Renaming options on the Baked Actions Replace If Exist ______________________________ Replace the Action if an Existing Action with the same name as the Baked Action is Found Push To NLA ______________________________ Push the Action to the Shadow Rig Armature After Bake NLA Operation ______________________________ How to Deal with Existing NLA Tracks - Skip Push If Exist: Will Skip Pushing Onto the NLA Tracks if the Baked Action is Already in the NLA Tracks - Clear All NLA Tracks: Will Clear All NLA Tracks Before Pushing into the Tracks, Ensuring a Clean NLA Tracks - None: Just Push to NLA Without Question Load Baked to Shadow Rig ____________________________ Load the Baked Actions to Shadow Rig's Action List After Baking Preclear Slot ____________________________ Clear the Action List of the Shadow Rig Before Baking Bake Settings ____________________________ Standard Baking Settings you find in Vanilla Blender Bake Operator The Default are pretty sane to use ----------- Bake And Export Shadow Rig (Experimental) ------------------------------------------- .. image:: /images/BakeAndExport.webp This Operator Will Bake the Actions and Proceed to Export it to FBX in one Swoop, and then remove the baked actions The Exported actions will use the same name in the action it baked from, so you do not need to do a batch rename This Button is Only Available on Control Rig, and it will export the Shadow Rig With This Operator, You Do not need to manually Bake Your Actions Options ++++++++++ Export To ______________________________ **Single FBX** - Export the Selected Actions into One Single FBX File **Multiple FBX** - Export the Selected Actions into a FBX File for Action Action Action List ______________________________ The List of Action to be Exported, this is taken directly from your control rig's action list Bake Settings ______________________________ Standard Bake Settings in Blender, The Default Should Work Fine FBX Export Settings ______________________________ All of the Options Are Passthrough to the Default Export FBX in Blender The Only Exception is the Export Mesh Options Export Mesh ************* **None** - Do Not Export Your Mesh (Internally Will Export an Empty Mesh Object To Make Ensure the Animation the Correct Rest Pose) **Selected** - Export your Rig Alongside Selected Objects **Auto Find Mesh (Recommended)** - This Operator will loop through your scene and find objects with a Modifider that points to your Shadow Rig