.. _Pose Marker Manager: Pose Marker Manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While it is a very hidden feature, action actually stores Pose Marker in them. Pose Marker Manager is available under :ref:`Action Properties` in both :ref:`Action List` and :ref:`Action Bin`. This feature will list Pose Markers in a list. .. image:: /images/PoseMarkerManager.webp The list will have Action Button that you can enable / disable. ----------- .. _Pose Marker List Button: Pose Marker Action Button --------------------------- .. image:: /images/PoseMarkerListItem.webp Jump to Marker ++++++++++++++++++ This will jump the current frame to the marker's frame. Select ++++++++++ Select status of the Pose Marker. Frame +++++++ The frame of the Pose Marker. Remove +++++++ Remove the Pose Marker. ----------- Use Pose Marker As Range -------------------------- .. image:: /images/UsePoseMarkerAsRange.webp Enabling this will make the Action Commander to use the Pose Marker A and Pose Marker B as frame range, if available. ----------- Find Range Markers -------------------------- This is the same as :ref:`FindAllActionsRangeMarkers`, but only within in the action. .. image:: /images/FindAndSetMarkerAsRange.webp ----------- Pose Marker A & B -------------------------- - Pose Marker A: First Pose Marker, usually use for start of frame range. - Pose Marker B: Second Pose Marker, usually use for end of frame range. .. image:: /images/PoseMarkerAB.webp .. note:: ** Pose Marker A and Pose Marker B can be flipped, the addon will automatically take the lower frame as start and higher frame as end. ----------- Add Pose Marker As Range (A / B) ---------------------------------- Utility function to help create a Pose Marker and assign as Marker A or Marker B. .. image:: /images/AddPoseMarkerAsRange.webp Options +++++++++ Name _____________ Name for the New Pose Marker. Sync Frame _______________ Enable to also set the current frame to preview the frame to be added. Current Frame _______________ Frame of the New Pose Marker ----------- Pose Marker Utility Menu --------------------------- Extra utility function for Pose Marker Manager .. image:: /images/PoseMarkerExtraMenu.webp Clear Pose Markers ------------------- Remove all Pose Markers from the action. ----------- Remove Pose Marker By Name --------------------------- Remove all Pose Marker with the matching name. Options +++++++++ Mode _____ Include - Remove the marker if the marker name include the specified string. Exclude - Remove the marker if the marker name exclude the specified string. Exact - Remove the marker if the marker name is exactly the specified string. Name _____ Name to match the pose marker name to be removed, either include, exclude or exact. Selected Marker Only ______________________ Limit to remove only within selected marker only. .. image:: /images/RemovePoseMarkerByName.webp Remove Overlap Marker _______________________ Remove any Duplicate Marker with the same frame and name ----------- Import Pose Markers -------------------- Import Pose Marker from external file exported by Action Commander. Options +++++++++ Find and Bind Camera ________________________ Attempt to find and bind relevant camera. Export Pose Markers ________________________ Export Pose Marker to external file. Batch Rename Pose Markers ---------------------------- This operator batch rename pose marker by adding prefix, suffix or replace a string Options +++++++++ Mode _____ Prefix - Add a prefix to the in front of Pose Marker Name Suffix - Add a suffix to the end of the Pose Marker Name Replace - Find and replace the string in the Pose Marker Name Remove - Remove the string from the Pose Marker Name Prefix / Suffix / Find _______________________ Prefix / Suffix / Find / Remove String Replace ________ String to replace to in Replace Mode. Name _____ Name to match the pose marker name to be removed, either include, exclude or exact. .. image:: /images/BatchRenamePoseMarkers.webp .. note:: **Technical Details for External Marker File** Marker files are just simple JSON file with the marker info in it.