.. _Action Bin Properties: Action Bin Properties ++++++++++++++++++++++ Action Properties shows all the data in an action. .. image:: /images/ActionBinDetail.webp **Name -** Action Name **Duplicate -** Duplicates the action **Fake User -** Fake User state of the action **Remove -** Remove the action from the blend file --------- Properties ----------- Frame Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frame Range of the action. --------- Is Loop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subtract One Frame from the Frame Range --------- Manual Frame Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use Frame Range for action. --------- Use Cyclic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use Cyclic Option in action. --------- Tags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tags of the action. --------- Preview Clip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clips for preview. .. image:: /images/ACPoseMarkerManager.webp --------- Pose Marker Manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Refer to :ref:`Pose Marker Manager`